Great review of The Great Game from the leading book review agency

Positive reviews of The Great Game keep rolling in. The latest book review is from the BlueInk agency, which likes others before it have appreciated the book, its research, characters and story, and recommend it for all fans of historical novels.

Carefully researched, the novel closely follows the political and industrial landscape of Baku and the events taking place on Russian territory at that time. The narrative explores the culture of the Baku people, the devastating poverty among the working class, the upheaval surrounding the revolution, and the business rivalries that characterized the oil industry….

In all, The Great Game: Story of the First Oil War is a satisfying work that will please fans of historical novels set in this era.

You can read the full review of the book at the official website of BlueInk:

The book can be purchase in either paperback or e-book formats from the leading booksellers including Barnes and Noble and Amazon.

4.8 rating from the leading independent reviewer for The Great Game