High praise for The Great Game from Clarion Reviews and Foreword Magazine

A great four star review of The Great Game by the Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews:

In Togrul Bagirov’s captivating historical novel The Great Game, a man is driven by his intellect and his desire to do good….
The relationships that Emanuel forges in Azerbaijan have far-reaching effects. A chance meeting with a trade attaché who turns out to be a capable spy leads to romantic bonding; their connection survives great challenges. Emanuel also finds romance with a friend’s daughter; she is built up through her love of literature, and factors in to later scenes.

The full review could be viewed at the official website of Clarion-Foreword Reviews: https://www.forewordreviews.com/reviews/the-great-game/

We are honored that all reviews of The Great Game (which can be purchased in both paperback and ebook versions) receive very high marks from independent and authoritative reviewers. This historical novel deserves such high praise, as it was a labor of passion and many years of research and polishing for the author, Dr. Togrul Bagirov.

The Great Game : The First Oil War
4.8 rating from the leading independent reviewer for The Great Game